Just get so tired of it

Trying to figure out if the neighbors are bugging me or what their trip is. I get so tired of the games and being fooled; guessing if they’re listening to me, guessing what they’re picking up on when they’re listening. Control, power, just so sick of it all.

Even if your neighbors don’t like you, it’s pretty unlikely they’ve dedicated their lives to the cause. People like to watch tv, mess around on the internet, play candy crush on their phones… not to mention everyone has their own inner worlds in which you are not the star.

I think it is your own thoughts about this that are torturing you

In any case, sorry you’re feeling so stressed about it.

Maybe accept that you will never know for sure what your neighbors are doing or thinking so try to stop worrying about it? I know easier said than done. But it’s not good to obsess over it.


Can you record their voices talking about you and listen to it? That way you will know if your neighbors are really talking about you. Do they even talk to you?

OK, thanks…

My neighbors have been harassing me for two years. Following me around from upstairs. This is something that Ive learned. They don’t know you. They are probably ■■■■■■■■. You’re not the problem they are.

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I don’t talk to them, they don’t talk to me.

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Thanks for that.

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Then I wouldn’t get stressed over it, even if they’re talking about you, so what. They can’t change or stop your life.

I’m also tired of thinking they are going to take me away in 10 years. Also fearing things. I was with my dad today and felt better. I get bad dreams that are vivid like every night.

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