Just enjoy the day

So I tried getting in touch with a member of AA and he never responded. I got discouraged and went out and drank again. Then a week later he texts me and says “I’ve been thinking about you. How are you doing?” I said “Not good, I’m struggling. It’s tough. I’m doing OKAY but I’m struggling” and he says “Just enjoy the day”.

It didn’t matter he had 9 years of sobriety or I had 9 hours. “Just enjoy the day” the best you can is what I got out of that. We were equals. Not to take anything away from the members of this forum who have 5-25+ years of sobriety, it’s quite an accomplishment. But we are of equals. Just enjoy the day. Because that’s all you have right now.


Yes, we are all equal in AA, CA, and NA in a way. All each of us has (if we follow the program) is a daily reprieve from alcoholism or addiction. I rarely see anyone who acts like their special or better than anyone else just because they have more clean time. There’s quite a lot of humble, grateful recovering addicts and alcoholics.


**hang in @turningthepage…you sound very positive :ok_hand: **