Just applied for building cleaning job!

Been cleaning all day,first neighbors atelier,then my home.
Called chief of building to apply for a job and told her that I desperately need it and she told me they’ll give me one chance for a day for a check,as they are concerned that I will back down easily (they all know I have disability pension for sz and hip replacement).
Hope they call me soon… :calendar:


Best of luck with the whole thing. :four_leaf_clover:

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Thanks @everhopeful ,I’m so tired I make spelling mistakes… :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hope it works out for you. Very cool your prepared to give it a go. Good luck.

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Thanks @rogueone:slightly_smiling_face:

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Yes I’m happy too… (to hear this.). I remember where last I left you, you were hurting pretty badly concerning isolation. It’s a bear, but so many of us deal with it.

Do you have pet fish? Funny tidbit is I had a Pacu once half a lifetime ago, but it’s neat to me bc it’s a vegetarian piranha!!

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If I had it,I would have dinner now… :fish:

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