July18: Did you bathe today?

  • Yes!
  • Not yet, but I will!
  • Crotch/pits only
  • Hair only
  • No.

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I don’t bother showering until evening now, because during breakfast Starlet coats everything in yogurt anyways.


lol i thought that was her name then i realised its a baby Ninjastar !!


we lost electric power overnight and I couldn’t shower except in ice cold water this morning so…



Pfft I took a shower two days ago, I’m fine. Tomorrow I’ll think about it :smiley:


After the heat and humidity we’re having this summer, I think I’m actually looking forward to cooler weather this fall and winter.


just took a shower …don’t think I do it every day…more like once a week…haha


I shower every day!

Ive got a problem getting my sheet dirty or messed up.

Its vital to for the sheet to be kept like gold !!


I shower every day too.:open_mouth::slightly_smiling_face::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I was brought up with daily showers and always showered daily (even when I lived in my car for three weeks)(except for when I was psychotic).
But I stopped showering daily when I lived in south Australia but when I moved interstate to live with family and they noticed I wasn’t showering every day they /she told me to shower every day.so I did.

Now I shower every day.

I used to adore showers and sometimes when I was psychotic I would find the water comforting and I had long showers then.
I still adore showers but it can depend on the shower.

I used to wash my hair every day but now I only wash it 2-3 times a week.

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I have actually had 2 showers today.

I just found this stuff. It is AMAZING!

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Just dry shampoo and deodorant.

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Once a day with this cool weather. Will have one before bed.

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