Jukebox is a shmuck...do you agree or disagree?

I have been noticing hostility lately from some on here…have I blown my cool with you guys?? what do you think of me??

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You seem cool to me, I saw you post about playing a music gig out somewhere. Did you play it yet, I dont remember the date


actually I think that was the beginning of the end of some people on here liking me because I went ahead and did the bluegrass show you speak of…so now some don’t like me and it hurts.

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I got love for you, hope you have some for me. Hope the show went good.


no your cool in my books Juke.
from reading peoples recent response to you, i think people just care about yours and others health and wellbeing related to the virus. its a sensitive topic.


Not sure who you’re refering to but as far as I can tell no one has it in for you. Think its just the paranoia speaking :slight_smile:

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Honestly try not to take it personally, as anyone would get the same reaction for threads about get meeting up with a lot of people. Its an incredibly hot button issue, and understandably so. If you ask people their opinion you’ll get an entire spectrum of responses.

Ultimately it comes down to listening to the health experts and wear a mask, keep your distance and if there’s too many people dont go. Last I checked my area recommended no more than 10 people for indoor gatherings. Wash your hands, and if you could be sick dont go.

It really is that simple. Listen to the health experts, because… well they’re the experts. We all have our opinions and needs. Some people feel better going above and beyond the guidelines and that’s fine. Unfortunately people want to do less than what’s recommended, and that hurts us all.

I definitely don’t believe anyone has you on their naughty list, I think people are concerned and passionate.


To be honest, I would just take the comments about meeting up with people as a grain of salt- we just want you to be safe and not get COVID.

You’re totally cool. Don’t think that we hate you because you are totally appreciated here. :two_hearts:


All I gotta say is that you should keep rocking Juke!


Your never going to get on with everyone especially in a community like this where people are from all over the place. These sorts of threads aren’t really healthy. It can quickly degenerate and end up in a tit for tat match or one of insults and opinions.

That isn’t beneficial for the community. I think you’ve enough of an answer @jukebox. I will close this before it degenerates into a slanging match.

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