Q: What’s the difference between a lentil and a chickpea?
A: Donald Trump wouldn’t pay $1000 to have a lentil on his face.
Q: What’s the difference between a lentil and a chickpea?
A: Donald Trump wouldn’t pay $1000 to have a lentil on his face.
jokes like this really piss Donald Trump off.
But energy did not win …
Old joke…
Q: What’s the difference between a Circus and a Beauty Pageant?
A: A Circus has a cunning array of stunts.
Welcome your new president “Rump” at the “Red” House, voted it by the"Putin-tang"
Now if you’ll all turn your virtual books to the first page in Russian
Меня зовут Rump (“men-ya za-voot”) - My name is Rump.
PlayКак дела? - How are things?
Плохо - Bad
До свидания (“da-svee-da-nee-ye”) - Good-bye.
or amongst friends and family
Пока (“pa-ka”) - Bye
And a beauty pageant has a stunning array of…
Omg! No
Putin is actually a hardcore capitalist, would not believe this because he was a KGB Colonel …
Politics isn’t my thing, but even I know when a leader isn’t to be considered a “good” man.
Look he will keep us from war with Russia for at least some of my kids childhood…
England’s Queen likes Putin … the history tells this …
Likes him for what?
In the same as Putin likes the former Czar of Russia …
They did have nice structures and fine garments to see.
and much more …