It’s been a long hard fall and winter…
I was working at Sobeys, making salads last summer. Then things got a little crazy and I was taking a lot of sick days. So, my therapist told me I would be safe to quit.
I struggled to make ends meet and find another job. Living on social assistance is difficult. By the time I pay my rent, phone bill, etc. I can barely afford to eat. This last month I haven’t had any food at all. Been snitching a little from my landlady, upstairs and spending more time at my Mom’s house, where there’s food.
So anyways, I hope I get this job. I really need it!
Good luck!
Congrats on getting the interview!! Woohoo! I’m sure you’ll do great!
Congratulations and good luck. I had an interview today and it went well. Wooo back to It work.
good luck, I haven’t worked in 6 years.
Best of luck to you!
I’m going to play Social Worker and recommend SNAP benefits. I’m on them, and it helps tremendously. It’s a sure thing if you are on disability usually.
There’s a couple of things you might consider to help yourself. Get plenty of sleep tonight so you go there fresh and alert. Eat a good meal beforehand to give you energy and fuel to be at your best in the interview but not too close to the time you have to leave to get there. Dress apropriately , not too nice, but not too casual.
There’s plenty of websites that will prep you for an interview, you might want to check those out. If you have an idea of what they are going to ask you and how you should answer it might make you more confident, and comfortable and at ease during the interview. You might want to research a little about the company or business you want to get hired by. You want to know a little about it before you go in. Believe it or not, some people go into interviews not even knowing what the business does or what it makes and that makes you look bad to your prospective employer. Go into the interview with a good attitude. Anyway, these are just a couple of tips that I have learned. Ignore them or use anything that helps. Good luck
Thanks for the advice. It’s just a shoe store, so I’m no really expecting much.
Good luck in your interview.
How did the interview go, Bunny?
Scary and awkward, but okay. I just to wait and see if they call me.
If you don’t hear from them in two or three days, it might be a good idea to go back in person and just politely inquire if they have filled the position yet. You want them to see that you really want the job and going back in person shows you care enough about getting hired that you will make a special effort to inquire about it. This place might have had twenty people who applied for the position and they might have interviewed 8 or 9 people but going back in person will help you stand out from the crowd and it will help to make them remember you.
Thanks, that’s good advice.
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