I will watch it for sure, watched all their movies including Bad Grandpa.
When the first one came out I was 15. one of the kids in some of my classes fractured his spine falling out a shopping trolly while filming on a camcorder. He was copying Jackass with his friends. Lucky he wasnt left permanently disabled.
Their movies are always 18+.
They contain nudity too.
I was watching 18+ at 13/14 years old. They never used to check when you went to the video shop to rent a video. Most didn’t.
Those guys need to give it a rest.
Jackass was funny,
But all these movies are high risk.
Especially at their age.
They don’t want to admit it, but they’re getting old.
I know because I’m getting old too.
First one was released 21 years ago.
Johnny Knoxville is ■■■■■■■ 50.
I watched The sixth Sense when I was 14 at the cinema (that was 15+ here in the U.K.) and I was on a school outing and the teachers didnt care.
I agree. It’s like The Fast and The Furious series. One would have been enough imfuo.
I saw the trailer when we were watching Old. I’m not a huge fan but my brother used to watch the movies when we were all younger.
You are putting honey and salmon on me… omg!!
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