Day 4 without the bottle is coming up. Feel good even i had some help with antabuse and some benzoes. In a couple of months i will try to quit antabuse and stop drinking without any help.
If i relapse,but i don’t, i start antabuse again.
I’m looking forward to a sober life, the next test, is in a couple of weeks where i bought tickets to a rock concert… How do you stay rock’n roll without alcohol?
Good luck, but please seek help with your sobriety, because it’s much safer and more sustainable to stay sober with help.
How long have you been drinking, and how much? Alcohol withdrawal can be dangerous without medical intervention. My friend’s mom suffered severe brain damage because she tried to sober up on her own and had a seizure.
As for how to stay rock and roll without alcohol, when I quit drinking I would ask for sprite with a lime wedge at the bar during rock shows for the look. But eventually, I realized very few people care whether you’re drinking or not. And I slowly stopped hanging out with the ones who did.
Thanks. Ive been drinking about a bottle of wine every day for a lot af years, sometimes more, few times less. I have contact with a nurse and pdoc, so im in good hands.
I don’t get abstinence withdrawal, ive quit before without any problems, but this time i hadn’t the “spine” to do it, so i asked my pdoc for some antabuse.
I’m glad to know you’re in good hands. Sorry, the thing with my friend’s mom is still very new. I knew, technically, that alcohol withdrawal can be dangerous, but I had never experienced it firsthand before.
It sounds awful with you friends mom, sorry. A lot of woman tends to disguise their habit or tell they don’t drink that much. It’s a pity the shame is worse for women than men, because then they hide it and then i’ts difficult for you to help
I was never an alcoholic but I drank often and to get drunk.
And when I got drunk I chased women and I usually caught one. I am married so that made me paranoid. I was already paranoid enough so I quit drinking in 2009. I have been sober for more than 10 years and I don’t regret it but now I have no social life.
If you have schizophrenia you don’t need an addiction on top of it. Best of luck and congratulations.
I saw Pink Floyd, Aerosmith, Bob Dylan, R.E.M, Bruce Springsteen, U2, Heart etc. I was clean and sober at all of them and had a good time. The best part of seeing them while not drinking or using drugs was that I actually remember what was going on afterward. I saw Led Zeppelin and later the Rolling Stones and I was on LSD and I didn’t remember most of the concerts.
Thanks for your comments, i am really excited about what will happen in the long run, @TomCat i will try to stay as sociable as i can, and hope you find at a way to socialize more and stay sober too, or you might be fine in your own company?
@77nick77 Pink Floyd! R.E.M! I would love to see them, actually i look forward to the concert, i think i need a downer before (Oxapax), since this is going to be the first time socializing in big groups without the aid of alcohol.
Thanks, but sorry to hear the price for being sober is being without friends? Apparently your not the only one.
It’s a good warning. I have a few friends and will try not to loose them, but staying sober is even as important. On Tuesday i have a friend coming over for dinner, and he is a heavy drinker, but i like him anyway.
If he is respecting my sobriety, i will respect his need for two bottles of wine.