It would be wrong to suggest, as he may have, that during psychosis, a person’s reality is how she or he wants to construe it. Really, there is no outward, ‘about’ the mind, this is not a choice, it’s not something you do, it’s something that happens, and the belief system is set on series of thoughts (that I don’t call ‘feelings’ like he did) that aren’t true.
It would also be wrong to suggest, as he may have, that the brain reactivates itself and becomes once again ‘normal.’ I have never see or heard of this happening without the medical model, and serious intervention.
Disagreed about we all suppress instincts, and wanted to hear it from a human nature point of view, like defending or protecting our loved ones and ourselves.
Disagreed with most every explanation of the mind being about successful reproduction, and a main focus on addiction was on masturbation, which seems more primal than the necessity of having beer.
I did learn a lot, but was at all odds that much of the determination of having a mind is based on feelings, or what it’s ‘like’ though he did say that was too singular to ever find similarities in others.