I've been so angry all night

I’ve been so angry all night. It wouldn’t surprise me if someone hasn’t put something in my med. tray besides medications. This is kind of new territory for me. I have a lot of anger, but not usually this much. It might be hard to get through the weekend.

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Sometimes i am angry for no reason.
It doesn’t last

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Thanks. I’ll try to remember that.

Do you know what is causing your anger? I used to have a lot of anger also, but over the years it has reduced. I think maybe my medications have a lot to do with that, i’m not sure. In any case, i hope you feel better soon.

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Thanks. Yes, I have issues. I’m too burnt out to talk about them now. I hope this anger doesn’t come back.


I have a lot of anger too. Baggage from childhood. I have a couple coping skills I use to try to get it under control before I blow up. I’m not really that successful at controlling my anger. I was a happy, but moody kid. But I wasn’t angry. My father’s anger rubbed off on me, unfortunately.

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Many, many people, me included, have baggage and issues. They’re not faking, either. They really hurt.

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If there’s one tangible emotion I have, it’s my anger. It’s led me to fracturing my hand 3 times punching hard surfaces, damaging untold property, and have hurt a million feelings of others. I’m not proud of this - quite the opposite - it’s embarrassing. Sometimes I have the self-control of a child, especially if I start seeing red.