There been a small bone like bump on a back of my head and it got checked out when I got hospitalized. They said it’s a brain tumour ar judging a type 2, cause it’s growing slowly out of skull. I wanted to ask if non cancerous tomour can become a cancerous one over time? I’m thinking about surgery but due corona it’s impossible to schedule
Best of luck and health to ya.
You need professional advice on this. And you should get that advice asap.
Best of luck mate!
@everhopeful is correct. Don’t expect solid medical advice from the forum. Even if we had medical doctors on here they can’t give you advice without examining you and being specialists
I’m so sorry you’re going through this. This damn virus. Hopefully things will calm down soon and you can get it taken care of.
Sorry to hear this @Newlyborn . Must be really tough. Hope you get the care you need
That sounds scary. I hope u find all the answers u need from ur doctors and that u will be alright.
Take care
I had a brain tumor. Many are non cancerous, and many don’t even need to be removed. Talk to a doctor, but try to remain calm. There are many ways to remove tumors that aren’t that invasive, such as gamma knife. Find out what needs to be done, and what your options are.
Good luck with everything @Newlyborn.
Discuss your concerns with a doctor.
(I’m being tested for growths too because of blood noises in my head. They need to rule out that I don’t have growths pressing on my blood vessels) fml
Wishing you the best. Please keep us updated of how you feel if you wish.
I am so sorry. I wish you good health because I know how it feels to be sick. Sending love
Sorry to hear of your misfortune @Newlyborn. The best of luck to you.
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