I've been bitten about 7 times by mosquitos!

This is rare for England.

I sleep with my window open so its cooler at night. I’m all itchy now.

Yeah, I think one of you chaps said you don’t have screens in England.

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Nobody has screens in England/

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Don’t you constantly have bugs coming through the open windows? Seems like it would make things easier for burglars and peeping Toms too.

We occasionally have the odd dragon fly attracted to the light in the summer.

I leave my window open all the time, never been burgled and no peeping toms too. My window is upstairs window.


Do you have to shut your downstairs windows at night? Or do you leave them open?

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I always shut the downstairs windows.

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Hmm. . .

Mosquito’s Are Interesting Creatures.

There Is A Rare Artifact Of Wisdom That Articulates The Broad Spectrum Of Health And Nature.

In An Odd Slightly, Possibly Gruesome Way.

Thus Tale Told To Me By A Wise Individualistic Form Of Telling. Told Me. . .

To Allow The Mosquito’s To Bite You. To Take All They Want. And Wait For Them To Finish.

As They Fly Away. Without Any Attempt From The Specimen (Human), To Get Rid Of Them.

Before They Finish Their Duty Of Course.

Now The Tale Told, Said…, They Drain Sickness From You. Like In Olden Times.

Now Of Course, I Would Advise Against It. Since The News Media In Our Times Discusses Disease.

But!, What If!. . . . . . .

Makes me wonder if it’s due to climate change. Gotta get a screen for that window.


Mozzies are bad busines in the tropics. Malaria and Ross River fever are nasty diseases and easily spread. Luckily we’re a bit further south but still have plenty. You tend to get rid of all bodies of sitting groundwater…they breed in that so getting rid of it is good.

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We have Raid

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Sounds maddening. I used to regard mosquitos as the most loathsome of creatures, only capable of being irritating and spreading disease. But sometimes I wonder if mosquitos don’t soak up and detoxify pathogens in the environment. I know they carry a lot of diseases, but could be they detoxify a few too. I don’t know. Just a thought.

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They kill more people than any other animal on Earth


Hmm. . .

That Is Extremely Fascinating @Joker!.

I Had No Idea Those Little Guys Had That Type Of Capability.

Even More Than Snakes?.

Although Sharks Would Probably Be Up There Somewhere.

Not To Mention Cars. But!, Cars Aren’t Living Creatures.

I Dunno…, Still A Fascinating Fact.

Maybe My Individualistic Artifact Of Medical Wisdom Is Out Of Date?.

Not Approved By The FDA. Nor Anyone Else On Thus Planet. That’s For Sure. . . . . . .

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Come up to Scotland. We have plenty of midgies to go round!

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