People like my grandmother likes to push buttons . Provoking the person and then when it’s a reaction everyone’s in awe.if I stay here then something bad will happen. I’m trying to keep it cool because I can throw away everything in a matter of minutes. I see it. I’m not the one that’s making that decision. Half the time I have no control over myself. I’m just a spectator. My grandma is to paranoid and it’s making me wonder… If I get that thirty then…ughbreaths I’ll need some money. If I can leave this house tomorrow that’ll be good. I think did good. I might be erratic on here,that’s because I’m holding everything in in real life. Trust me, there’s a bowl of cereal in me just don’t pour the milk
Can you go out and buy your flowers?
Is the ‘dirty thirty’ you keep referring to a gun?
@Patrick No @haete taught me this morning that a Dirty Thirty is flowers.
Don’t be naive, @anon84763962…
I could be wrong, but I think he’s referring to a 30 caliber rifle.
Oh I didn’t know. It’s not a term used here and in Australia people don’t really talk about different guns so I’m not familiar with slang.
I didn’t mean to be naive, it’s just that @haete told me that this morning because I asked.
You know what this is just reminding me of so much family BS that it’s just leading me to write more when I’d normally be signing off. My grandmother on my fathers side, she came from money that had lost it all and killed it’s self off, her mother drove her car off a pier with her kids in the back and she was the only survivor. She (like me) discovered this later in life) and at times during my fathers life attemtpted suicide. Having known my grandmother and having heard stories of her denegration of my father as a boy at the same time as his older brother (my uncle) was coming down on him like a ton of bricks, lends some sort of sanity to how I was singled out and treated as a boy. It does.
But as much as I believe that the way I was treated and the way my father lost his mind and covered it up in the 80’s, I believe that abuse only begets abuse if the abused cannot see the wisdom to break the chain.
Break the chain. Stop the violence.
haete was talking on another thread about fearing for his safety and purchasing a ‘Dirty Thirty’ for $70.
That’s why I think he’s referring to a weapon.
Y’all just kinda changed my mood. Man that was guys are funny.
Lol ahhh the thirty is used for flowers…like guns and roses
Can you walk it off? Is it safe to walk in your neighborhood at night? Maybe it would get rid of all your pent-up anger to take a 15 or 20 minute walk. We all have tempers, you just have to deal with it in an appropriate way.
By the way, once you’re in the jail or prison system, that’s it. They got you. They control you, you have to do what they say.
In my entire life, I’ve only spent one day in jail. But while I was in there for my measly 20 hours I saw a couple crazy things and I saw some scary ass people. Not a place you want to be. And once you have a felony on your record, that will follow you for almost the rest of your life.
So is $70 spent on a gun and $30 on flowers?
Just spend the hundred on flowers. Don’t buy a gun.
I apologize if I was wrong. Just wanna see you better. Take care of yourself.
Mothers day is coming up.I was going to show my grandma some love since I help her.but I’m not. Hopefully I’ll be gone this month.
Harvey isn’t safe at night. I mean I can walk around but it’s always shooting outside
I’m pretty sure @haete was not referring to a bunch of flowers. I thought maybe a Dirty Thirty is a Glock 30 “off the streets” or maybe like you said, it could be a 30 caliber rifle.
In any case I am getting worried so I’m paging @shutterbug and @SzAdmin
-_- a dirty thirty is flowers daang
Don’t be a delusional
@haete Some of your recent posts are worrying me. If you think you are a danger to yourself or someone else, please go to the ER and get some help. Seriously man, there’s no shame in asking for help.
It’s slang where I’m From.
Dirty=dirt. Flowers that got transplanted for resell.they need soil to continue photosynthesis.
'Thirty "because mothers day is in two weeks.
I don’t see why moonpie is dry snitching. Like fr
Actually people dig them up and resell it for cheap. That’s why they are so dirty😂#FREE SHMURDA
We’re all kinda like ‘family’ on this site and we’re getting worried about your posts. There’s some unsettling innuendo going on here…insinuations of violence against your grandmother…possible purchasing of a weapon…etc.
Get yourself checked out right away with your doctor is my advice. Make that appointment tomorrow morning…as soon as you can.