I like sitting at the coffeshop with a sketchbook and draw images.
Im a binge drinker.
Hopefully I’ll make it through the season with out too many complications
What does it mean, bingedrinker ? An evil psychiatrist put it in my eternal resume (psychiatric report), a nurse showed me. Sometimes i have a few beers but i have breaks like 3 - 6 months.
I think it means someone who drinks to get drunk. I used to be like that, but I have stopped and only drink light percentage beer or non-alcoholic. My life is better this way. Maybe I’ll drink regular beer at the odd occasion like New Years eve, but other than that I’m finished with it.
Yes, i understand that but i don’t drink very often to get drunk, only when i am mentally not well. It would make me sick being constantly drunk.
Shuddering to think what mine says…
Yeah, me too. In my country it is very common for younger people to be sober in the weekdays, but then get really drunk in the weekends. It’s a bad culture. I went through it, but I wish there had been other options that were clear to me. I kind of just got with the crowd and did what I thought everybody else did.
Younger people like experimenting, but a few experiments go wrong. I don’t know if that should be a reason to restrict the alcohol laws to the doctors use.
What’s the legal drinking age where you are, @Mr_Hope?
Here it’s 21, but there’s ways to get alcohol otherwise.
Here in the States, it’s commonplace to get hammered on the weekends. Dunno how COVID has been affecting bar attendance as of late, but that’s how it has been for a really long time.
I’m in Norway. I believe it’s 18 for beer and wine and 20 for the heavy stuff.
Yeah, they are starting to close down again. They just checked 36 drinking places in my city and half of them had trouble keeping the corona limitations. They might get closed down again…
When I was a student I was a total binge drinker. Than later I was a chronic weed user. I don’t do anything now
Binge drinking means that I get wasted for a week or two, then get clean for a few months, then do it over again
Yes, i am bingedrinker in that case. This evil psychiatrist does everything to make me look bad. The report doesn’t show that i am loving caring person i try to make up with people i hurt meaning or not.
I call him evil, cause i could be on national disability insurance scam 6 years ago. And i would go to the gym to do something with my life. But i am disabled (take antipsychotic medication) and at the mercy of idiots like him. Please forgive me Mr. Psychiatrist but i am bored and blame you. But never mind, i forgive you that. Don’t suffer cause of me. And while i am at it (venting), could the Australian Government and German Government come to an agreement for disabled people, so i could get my deserved pension. I worked 5 years for it.
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