Just realized it’s pi day! Happy pi day and may your day be… irrational?
Ever seen the movie Pi? It’s a pretty good movie.
Every day is pie day
But today the pie is unending!
That’s completely irrational.
I knooooooow isn’t it scrumptious
Sqrt(-1) 2^3 ∑ scrumptious π
And it was filled with monkey and whale meat
Yikes, that isn’t my favorite kind of pi. I was thinking ambrosia, maybe?
That’ll do. But the circumference must be 3.14 as long as the diameter. I am not eating hexagonal pies.
That is hilarious. Hahaha
I prefer pizza with a depth of A and a radious of Z… Volume= Pi×Z×Z×A…
You people crack me up. Get back from Costco to this!
The life of pi? I read most of the book, never seen the movie though.
A slice of cherry 3.14 is the best!
No, not the Life of Pi, yes I’ve seen it.
Pi. It came out in 1998. It’s about this guy who’s scary good at math who gets recruited to like decode the Torah or something and at the end takes a power drill to his head after which he can no longer do math but is relieved of what was driving him insane? I don’t remember if it was headaches or something else.
I haven’t seen that one. Any good?
Ahhh crap, I thought it was sigma day. Better go return all the part favors