Its ok to feel special isnt it?

Oh yeah, there’s also the old adage that each of us came from the sperm that won a million-man race, so that makes us pretty special.


The number was revised recently. Now the calculated probability of being alive is so unlikely that it is the same odds as 2 million people rolling the same number on a 1 trillion sided dice.


its hard to tell how many are like us on this plain of existence, how many sentient beings are out there, the universe is vast and we are only one universe in trillions of universes, we may be insignificant in many ways but that makes us special too.

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I’m glad that your meds appear to be working for you. You do need to get past the “special” feeling and start living a real life again if it is going to mean anything at all. If you are unable to then you will no longer feel so “special” in the future. But for the moment by all means feel “special”.

I consider and call my son with Down syndrome, “special”

but this is a particular class of people that are different than the rest

I don’t consider myself all that different from a lot of people

but I still voted, Yes, we are all special.


you are special dude


I dont agree with this, being ‘special’ to me is something to be cherished not something that should be dismissed.

My life is real life, idk what else you could call it, i am not delusional or symptomatic or anything.


I’m very special lol. But I prefer the term different. My mom called me that in a past life due to my abilities. I think my brother is more special.

My sister is a role model to me. A hard worker.

I guess I think I’m special or different because I can remember my past lives or remember things before I reincarnate or come back alive. I call then parallel universes. I have other abilities too. I used to have a gift given to me by aliens but they took it away. I lost that gift millions of lifetimes ago. That gift was to retain knowledge of all my previous lives before I died.

Now it just causes delusions, paranoia, fear, and trauma.

Please provide some factual science or evidence to backup your claim that reincarnation, parallel universes and retention of knowledge from previous lives exist. From my perspective, humans live only once in their lifetime, there is only one milky way galaxy which the solar system and earth is a part of and knowledge of previous lives is what you have seen. Because a blind person since birth cannot retain knowledge of their past because they’ve never seen life with their eyes.

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This is wrong and makes no sense. I cannot prove Parallel universes exist. What I call reincarnation is really just theoretical physics. It cannot be proved. Have you heard of hugh Everett’s many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics? What about quantum suicide. Everett thought he was immortal but became a shut in due to his beliefs. Now he is famous and his views are gaining in popularity. There are different types of universes that physicists and mathematicians talk about. Also, simulation theory has been gained in popularity and shows that immortality might be possible.

I don’t know the facts or info that would make one retain knowledge from previous lives. I just remember I had it. I don’t have it like before. Now I’m just left with stupid, unproductive, and confusing memories that are useless.

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From my persepective, I partially agree with that reincarnation exists. Find about xenoglossy. People who have xenoglossy speak languages they never learned and remember their past lives. Scientists checked if their memories are facts, which turned out to be true. But I don’t know. :face_with_monocle:

Reincarnation would fall into the fields of religion and biology in which the science field can assure you that no life will be born again once a creature is dead.

Never heard of it. Also all living creatures that move about on this planet are mortal. Being born, reproducing and dying is the cycle of life.

Scientists checked if their memories are facts??? Scientists recall facts learned during their studies. This is called long-term memory compared to short-term memory.

I mean the scientists checked if their story telling is true. For example, like one argues that his name was blah and tell who his family members are, a region he used to stay in the past etc. Then scientists went there and checked if they are true. And they turned out to be true. I’m not aure if you understand what I’m saying. :sweat_smile:


@cuppabo If you’re talking about tracing your genealogy tree or the roots of your heritage then I’d say DNA blood samples would have to be analyzed to compare if those family members of yours have the same genes.

Reincarnation doesn’t exist unless you are some sort of clone. To reincarnate you have to procreate. That is fact.

Are you claiming to understand consciousness? You’re assuming a lot that hasn’t been proved.

Consciousnessy may survive after death and could be transferred if it is quantum. I’m ignoring transhumanism.

Do you know the shape of the universe or what happens at the end of the universe?

No one knows but there are theories that it could come back and we live our lives all over again.

What I’m claiming is I can remember my past experiences. For lack of a better term, I call it reincarnation. It is reincarnation without the religious and spiritual aspects.

There might be other timelines out there where there are infinite or very large copies of us.

We could be living in a computer program too. Scientists, philosophers, and some silicon valley billionaires believe this or at least believe it is possible. Even atheists are dumbfounded.

To explain xenoglossy, there is no better explanation than reincarnation theory. How could they remember their past lives and speak languages they never learned even without inheriting genes?

I don’t think so. Once blood stops flowing to your brain. You are dead. There is no consciousness

No human has ever gone beyond the orbit of the moon around earth. How the hell is any human supposed to know the shape of the universe or what happens at the end of it.

Totally false, or else there would be physical evidence of previous lives.

This is not the Matrix. Movies are a form of fiction, not fact.

its a bit off topic and personally i find a lot of it a bit too far fetched, i believe in facts, true things that actually happened, a lot of this sounds like fantasy and self opinionated guff,

not sure how it relates to being special