It's hard to haggle for me

I need to negotiate a lower price for a medical procedure for my wife and on my deceased father’s medical bills but the process seems very tension causing for me… I get very bent out of shape when I feel like people are being dishonest or withhold helpful information.

It seems like a major reason I can’t work a lot of jobs is because I am not good at being somewhat deceitful.


I think we lack a certain cunning for sure.

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Always tell the truth. If people don’t appreciate that you don’t want to be around them or work for them. Yes people will sometimes withhold information but we have the Internet now, all human knowledge is on it and there are oodles of communities about everything, you can find out what you need to know.

I am always honest at work, and it has gotten me far, both at my official jobs and as a freelance computer technician, especially working with computers, most people are clueless and they really appreciate someone that they can trust and doesn’t rip them off. It guarantees repeat business. I have businesses that trust me with their financial details, accounting software, etc… Honesty goes a long way.


Hard for me to haggle about money specifically.

Leads to a lot of shitty feelings

Even when I didn’t care I felt I “should have”

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I used to be much worse about letting people get one over on me. I’ve had to learn to stand up for myself. It’s empowering, and requires no deceit. People will be more likely to respect you for it than you realize.


If you want an admittedly “Hollywood” version of haggling watch the show Pawn Stars. The whole show is about people haggling with the shop owners over the price of stuff.

It’s not far off the mark in real life. I haggle with my clients too sometimes, it’s fun once you get use to it. Someone starts of low/high then you meet in the middle, if you can agree, great, if not, no deal. No deal is better than a bad deal.

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