"It's been a rough week"

At least I’m conscious to “rough weeks” now.

It used to be every week was rough so the norm didn’t seem so bad…

Group therapy tonight

Individual therapy tmorrow

Should help


At least I’ve been 100% sober since I had a beer on Saturday.

The abuse I’m getting is what makes it rough.

Those ppl r blocked but still bothers me

And Florida…

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I have a hard time distinguishing rough weeks.

As for the abusers, is it emotional or physical??? If it’s emotional, ignore em! I know it’s easier said than done but you are worth it and God knows it :smile:

Have a wonderful time at therapy! Get the most out of it and express yourself!

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It’s emotional…I called up my case worker and told him everything that happened and he was very encouraging. I also told him about school and he was real supportive. He said “let those boneheads be boneheads”…it’s good I blocked them he said. I’m also going to group tomorrow at the local mental health center…he told me to come and I will.


PM me an email. I’ve got that little backbeat for you! It’s a bit of a hack production…but it kinda grows on you. If you play an instrument, just copy what I wrote.

Looking forward to you slapping some lyrics over it.

Next time I’ll send a version that’s not interrupted with talking…so it just plays on a loop.

Anyhoo, if you like the riff, steal it and record your own version of what I gave you.

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That’s amazing to hear! Glad you’re getting the support you need (: And yes, they’re boneheads! Don’t ever let them bring you down.

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It’s quite amateurish, what I sent you. I hope you’re not laughing at me right now.

Doesn’t work on my phone I’ll see on my computer later

I won’t laugh at u im sure :slight_smile:

Yea ttp make a song for us :space_invader:

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What is TTP? Never mind, I get it now.

I hope your week gets better @turningthepage. You’re better than those jerks who are abusing you. Much better.

I remember when you first came back here about a month ago and said it would be probably your only post, just to update sz.com on how you had been doing.

I’m so glad you have stuck around. I really like your company.


this boards addicting what can i tell you :laughing:

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