i’ve started producing beats under @zwolfgang supervision. this is my latest
Nice to see you here Croc !!
Stick around if you can
@zwolfgang is a godsend for us musicians on this site.
Hey Z…did you check out that musician’s website I PM’d you about? Just curious.
Great beat croc! Mastered really well lol, youll be better than me soon!
I have checked it out @anon39054230, Im thinking of making an account, it looks like a great community there!
It really is a nice tight little music community. Posters can be slow to respond, so you have to be patient. But I’ve received some really good advice and feedback on that forum over the last couple of years. There’s very little ‘snark’ on that site which i like and appreciate. Most everyone is supportive of each other’s creative ambition.
Great! Im always wary of “elitist” communities where if your music isnt commercial or too “out there” they say it isnt good. I always look for open-minded feedback
Thanks for showing me them! Ill join for sure
Also check your pms, I made a folk song and I wanna share it but dont wanna steal crocs thunder lol
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