Next to a street sign, look up street name, now I have a location.
Must decode??
Well plus water. This is obvious what I must do
I like your pictures but you’re not making much sense. Are you ok?
Perfectly great
What’s not making sense?
I don’t understand what you’re talking about with the signs and locations and decoding water. It just sounded a little paranoid to me and I was wondering if you were going down a rabbit hole.
I took that sky pic, clearly a message from god, on a street, looked up the street name and found a cathedral in england in the same town name. The water and the church point to baptism, so I think getting baptized is my first step in god’s plan for me.
I would go back on meds. It’s a slippery slope.
You need your meds. You are not ok
I’m fantastic seriously
You’re delusional.
You can’t decode water
You decode the patterns
No. There’s nothing to decode
Is that something you’ve been thinking about doing anyway?
The reason I ask is because when I was psychotic I thought god was sending me messages to become a priest. Then I started making all these connections based on random stuff in support of that idea. After I recovered, I went back to my regularly scheduled programming so to speak. I wasn’t actually religious, I was in psychosis.
Just thinking that you might be too, especially if you’ve been under a lot of stress.
No I just got the idea today
you are creating beliefs from random things…number one cause of delusions…you are ill man…
Yeah be careful of seeing clues or connections that’s usually a bad sign.
Bad sign of what? What’s going to happen??
Nothing will happen, I just think that you might be seeing connections that aren’t there.
you are still semi sane right now…please go back on your meds before you lose everything…