I got this illness because of drugs like a lot of people on here. Isn’t it just great how everyone you did drugs with is fine.
I’ve blamed smoking, meditation, stress. The dice was loaded to begin with, it was just a matter of time.
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Sz would have gotten me whether I did drugs or not. It might have gotten me sooner because I did drugs, but probably just as bad.
I cleaned up. I’m alive. I have a life. Not everyone I used to use with can say the same, or is alive to say it.
Sure I did drugs. Marijuana. My dad had sza. He smoked pot too. But my abuelita didn’t smoke pot. She had it. What about her? Now they are proving that sz is genetic. Probably has nothing to do with environmental factors. My nurse says they already know re. the gene for sza.
Drugs did not screw up my life. Neither did alcohol. I never drank. This illness called sza is what almost screwed up my life. I lost all my jobs, my marriage, my career, my lovers, my son, my volunteer jobs, my car, a lot of my money, my therapists, and a lot of opportunities, all because of this disease called schizoaffective disorder, bipolar type.
I’m glad sz kind of saved my life in a way because some people I used to mingle in the drug world are still on drugs!!
My son never did drugs but he got it anyway. I don’t think it is about the drugs.
I only used morphine and alcohol. Morphine is not known to make you sz. I blame stress and delusional friends triggering my delusions.
I never did drugs, and my son never did drugs. My uncle with sz is an alcoholic, but that came after sz. There may be triggers such as trauma or drugs, but those are just the triggers pulled on the loaded guns, I think. I’ve worked with kids with disabilities for many many years. They have severe Autism, Downs Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Hydrocephaly,Etc. Some of them have Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, and Traumatic Brain Injury…They all just live as best they can. They inspire me.
None of the people I did drugs with are fine, they all have their problems. A few have an unstable life pattern where they constantly get in trouble, the others are recluse and ignore all their own problems.
I haven’t done any drugs in 8 years. And I never plan on going back. I was never addicted in the first place. My addiction is more a food and sugar addiction.
Drugs may have been the trigger, but something was probably going to trigger it at some point anyways. We’re like walking time bombs. I never did drugs or drank back when I first got sick. I just had the bad luck of knowing some shady characters who hurt me.
My whole life I’ve screwed up… I’ve done all the wrong things for all the right reasons… But every turn in my life has been a wrong turn…
@ginalovea. Food is a real addiction surely.