It will take a miracle to have a normal life

I wish I did not have intrusive thoughts, having people in my body, or people on tv and real life making comments, and to be left alone or have irrational fears. I wish for a normal life and better experiences.

I am Christian but don’t believe in miracles.

If you will wait for a miracle to improve your life you will die waiting.

I am Christian too. I have people doing things to me. I think miracles do happen sometimes what I want is not that much.

When I was unmedicated I believed in miracles but never when I am medicated and have no positive symptoms.

What do you feel when writing this!!

I don’t understand @MHS.

Would you rather not talk about the emotions creating the confusion?? Its 2020 men are allowed to share feelings at least with each other…otherwise nevermind, I just read the post for 7 seconds thats all…!!

No one has a normal life, everyone is different everyone has problems that they go through. There is no norm. Must understand everyone is different in everyway.

I have the same to irrational fears and coinicidents on tv in every day life I hope for a thing in my life to give me a normal life as well but I fight looking for healers and medicine and prey I don take it laying down but I do lay down alday lol

It wont take a miracle just the right meds

We all end up in the same place when we die.
Mentally ill and healthy ppl.

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I also have intrusive thoughts, I don’t know if it’s real or not, PTSD or intrusive thoughts, flashbacks or what. Nothing is working. Today I took 1mg Xanax, 1200 mg L Theanine, 300 mg Magnesium, nothing is helping me. I left a message to my doctor, I wanna try something strong like Prozac or Valium a tranquilizer.

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