It was too much

Been out of the house too much today, had to go get milk. and now I’m sobbing. it was too much. I’m trying not to panic I feel like People followed me home.


Hey, you did great going out of your comfort zone. No one followed you home, that’s just the illness messing with you. You’re safe and you accomplished something, you should be proud of yourself.



I just hope I’m safe. I’m slowly calming down. I just wish I could have done it without being so terrified. I’m tired of being scared.

But thank you your words make me feel better about all of this :slight_smile:


I’ve had SZ for around 25 years now and I’ve dealt with targeting delusions through all of them. Not one of the things I ever thought was going to happen or the voices told me was going to happen has come to pass, ever. You ever been in a funhouse where there’s an optical illusion of the floor being a huge pit but it’s not and you can walk over it safely? Targeting delusions are like that. They’re only scary if you’re looking at them from the wrong perspective.

You can own this!



It’s true you make a good point. Of the times people have tried to kill me they’ve never really gotten anywhere close. So that’s something to consider.

This is a good metaphor I’ll try to remind myself.

Thank you ill try!

Meds are the primary defense against positive symptoms, but you can choose how you react to them so long as you can maintain your insight. I treat mine as simple distractions. “Oh, that’s just the illness, I’m going to just keep going on with my day.” It’s scary as hell at first, but becomes easier with practice.

Recommend picking up some CBT workbooks for anxiety – they’ll really help.


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I’m actually supposed to get into cbt with my therapist but we keep getting side tracked :confused:

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Wow that is an insanely profound and effective slice of metaphor.


That’s terrible @Noise, I hope you feel better.

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I recommend everyone to sleep. It’s sleep who doesn’t like sleep?


Your safe @Noise.
Everything will be fine.


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