It was ridiculous

No one to blame but myself. Except maybe the stupid teacher.
I’m taking an online college course. Tonight I had a huge assignment due at 11:59 pm Tuesday night. If I didn’t get it in by the deadline I would probably fail the course. I’m not comfortable using Word or it’s equivalent, Pages. I kind of get it though. I finished writing the paper and transferred it to a Pages document. All I had to do was save it and then submit it on my class website.

I kind of knew how to do it but I called up the Geek Squad for back up just in case something went wrong. I had a woman on the line as I went through the steps outloud and successfully saved my paper as a file. But I saved it twice. And according to the guy last time, I only had one chance to click on the right one.

So at 11:57 pm the whole semester came down to one click. The teacher had given us two weeks to do the assignment. I had two minutes left to choose which of the two I should click on. One wrong click and I probably fail the course. I chose - and chose the right one! I had two weeks to do the assignment and I was two minutes away from not turning it in and failing the course. Stress anyone?


That’s good news. Nothing like a bit of stress to get the blood flowing.

Your story made me think of this meme:



He’s probably only choosing between saving the world. I had a choice between wasting $200 for the class and wasting six weeks. Mine was much more important.


Glad you got it in matey.

I’m still the generation where computers turned up in our classrooms in like grade 9 or so. Simple desktops that most watches have more memory and function these days…It still is something I’d stress over so kudos to you for getting it done and hope you get some good marks for the effort!


Well done @77nick77 !

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Wow. You must be so relieved! Good job!

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well done =D 151515


Congrats @77nick77.

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