It was a matter of getting high on dementia

I got alone and experienced a total lack of responsibility plus I didn’t feel myself get hungry so I was faint from not eating. It was only a matter of time before I ended up hospitalized.

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I think dementia is contagious.

We’re you officially diagnosed with Dementia?

Another word for sz is dementia praecox. So, yes.

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There were times when I was manic from not doing my med’s. It felt good for a while, but then I messed up. It’s amazing what we will do for that sense of euphoria.

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I’m pretty sure that term is no longer associated with Schizophrenia. That term was coined almost 150 years ago according to a google search. Whether or not Sz is degenerative in that way is in question. I don’t think that you have dementia chordy.

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For me it’s not a matter of degenerating, it’s a matter of not having developed to begin with.

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