I totally regret ever stopping my meds cold turkey biggest mistake I ever made and Im suffering because of it but I can now say I started back on my meds all of them and will never make the same mistake twice once is enough I learned my lesson by having theae breathing episodes and not being able to catch a good deep breath anyone on here thinking of quitting their meds dont just dont do it I could of died from this possibly if I wasnt able to catch my breath eventually been through this once before the same time last year and I was on my medsthen it was a prolonged cold that turned into breathing problems I got sick then I went outside and got sicker I am not going anywhere in my car until Im better unless I have to get out just have to get back pn my Cpap then will be as good as I can be I need to use my Cpap for longer than 30 minutes to 2 hours last night couldnt use it because every few minutes I was yawning to catch my breath hard to catch your breath when air blowing constantly when better with my sinuses and breathing will get back on my cpap and. Go to my sleep study thats if I am better by Dec 7th only time will tell I sure hope Im well by then so I can get this sleep study done and over with