It was a close call

Thought I’d share a story. Anyone remember the DC Beltway Snipers in 2002? John Allen Mohammed and Lee Boyd Malvo? Mohammed was executed in 2009 or 2010 by the state of Virginia. Ring a bell?

Well, if not, I was there. I was living in a city about 40 miles south of Washington DC in Virginia when the shootings broke out in Maryland. Not too long later, 2 people were shot in my city. I was working as an electrician at a Michael’s craft store, retrofitting ballasts. I finished the job, and went on with my life. Well, some lady was shot in the posterior while loading her minivan with stuff she bought at Michael’s the day after I left, at around 3 pm.

I loaded and unloaded my truck in the parking lot she was shot in at the same time, in the same location, only 24 hours prior. If things were just a bit different, I might have been the one shot. Crazy to think about.


your lucky you are alive i think, too bad about that lady though, another reason why i hate guns,

(i got a book today and started reading it, its about an explosives sniffer dog serving in Afghanistan and its the dog and its owners story throughout its life, the dog and the book is called Buster and its a lovely spaniel) just thought i’d mention it as it is inspirational how this dog serves in the army.

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Glad you’re alive man… Feel for the lady though.

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Yeah, she survived, but about 15 or so other people lost their lives to these two monsters.

Oh good she survived. They were snipers ? I don’t know anything about those two

Yeah, they hid in the trunk of a car, and sniped people as they went about their life. Read more here:

Read the first bullet point here, it talks about the shooting of the woman I spoke of in the original post.

Such horror to live in the midst of that, with no security whatsoever.

It was just a year after 9/11, and people were seriously freaking out. The investigation centered around “a white box truck.” Come to find out it wasn’t a box truck…there just happened to be one most of the time there was a shooting. The sheriff who promoted that theory (I forgot his name, but he was from Maryland) was widely publicized, then ridiculed when his theory was incorrect. It was a giant mess.

Weird synchronicity. We all watched the towers fall on 911. We were all a part of that horror. The universe fits together in some odd logic that is way beyond me man. I do remember the shootings in D.C, though - those assholes. Oh wait - I can be an a-hole sometimes…these guys were pure evil. I mean, who goes around in a modified car with a whole in the trunk sniping at innocent civilians just for kicks? Its Kafkaesque! Disturbing. I’m glad you survived; 15 people didn’t if I’m not mistaken. Sometimes I’d rather forget about stuff like that. The real sad thing is that most people remember the perpetrators names but not the victim’s. !!@#!@#@

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That’s scary… I’m really glad you are okay.

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It’s such a shame when people do something so senseless.