Losers are a pain in the neck.
I think everybody roots for the underdog.
I was afraid of success and failure both.
Some people are afraid of dying…others are afraid of living.
reminds me of little league baseball. i was on the worst team. and it ruined my love of baseball as we lost almost every game. i made the all star teams and enjoyed playing with those teams in tournaments after the regular season, but i eventually quit out of frustration and never played again. losing takes a toll, but now it’s my normal, my life was fated that way.
I quit softball because of the coach,
then I’m almost certain in my absence he thought to himself,
Yep, she’ll go on quitting all her life.
What a jerk.
A softball coach is an “expert” at life ,lol, and qualified to call people losers. Cause life is a softball game.
Never heard that saying before.
I’ve heard: “All the world loves a lover”.
Or there’s two songs: “Everybody loves a winner”, “Everybody loves a loser.”
Or the saying, “Laugh, and the world laughs with you. Cry, and you cry alone.”
Well, that explains why I’ve been a total loser all my life. I was so bad at all sports in school that I was always the very last chosen for teams.
In addition, for softball and kickball, I was always put in outfield and inevitably I always somehow let the ball zoom past my legs. I always let everybody down that way.
I was Captain of my High School hockey team…and also a member of the Chess Club…
You can imagine the friends-set I had back in those days.
I was an overachiever as a kid. Just working off nervous energy.
Sorry that happened to you! Sports is one aspect group out of many groups to measure in the spectrum of winner, middle and loser. There are tons of people with potential for success outside of sports, some have yet to find their calling yet. But Daze’s coach vexes me and I imagine this person to be a coach-splaining ralph cramden type of person. The type that uses toxic ways to oversimplify someone’s overall ability with an agenda behind it. Will Smith, Kevin James, 50 Cent, Garth Brooks and Tim Robbins were caught on camera being awful at sports. All of them losers according to professor coach pundit jedi.
Not that there’s anything wrong with being a coach, but I don’t know this person’s name. 000000000000
What’s a loser to you?
People who lose a lot are the most successful at life. They win the numbers game eventually.
I call a loser someone who can’t be happy at least some of the time.
I don’t like that word it is so dragging down on someone. People try their best at the end of the day and some people just have severe depression I would not call them a loser that is mean
I guess I’m avoiding the fact that my invalidism is real.
what do you mean by that?
I mean I don’t accept that I’m sick.
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