It is hot now

It is 26 C and during the weekend it will be 30 C. I like it. It is good to ride my bicycle. In January it was -24 C when I rode my bicycle. How is your weather?


86F right now. 30C.

Suppose to be a high of 91F today. 32.7778C

May I ask where are you? California?

Iowa in the USA

I have never been in Iowa. When I lived in America I visited 35 different states. Is it usual that it is so hot there at this time of the year?

it was like 32°C here today… pretty hot

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Sometimes. It’s been around 90F pretty much all week

Do you go much outside or are you staying in? I do not have air conditioning and so it can be quite warm inside. I am just sitting here wearing only my underwear because it is so warm inside.

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i go out once a week when the weather is nice. Monday i went for walk with my dad… it was pretty warm but as long as i kept moving i had a bit of wind in my face… but standing still it was pretty hot

I ride my bicycle every day.


ah that’s good exercise! impressive that you do it every day =)

Exercising is good for my mind. Also when the sun is shining I get my vitamin D which is good for sz people. In winter I take vitamin D supplements.

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yea i also have to take vitamin D supplements in the winter… when they check my blood because of the clozapine they always check my vitamin D levels too and if they low i take supplements for a while.

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