I want to offer you something of the Russian literature about schizophrenia, and about recovery, and about rehabilitation.
This is one of the few that was translated into English.
This is a collection of stories of real people and their families, who faced with schizophrenia.
Persons with mental problems and their families are disclosing their personal histories.
English translation.
“New Choices”, Moscow 2011
(PDF-format, 86 pages)
(Maybe it will be someone interesting to read it.)
And this is a bit of scientific publications.
Article in a serious scientific journal “Russian Journal 'Social and Clinical Psychiatry”
A. B. Shmukler, O. S. Bochkareva.
Moscow Sciense Institute of Psychiatry. 2012.
(Article in Russian unfortunately, it does not necessarily read.
The English abstract and the conclusions is given in the end:)
…In the course of 2010, the researchers studied retrospectively the case histories of all the outpatients that initially had sought care in the Moscow Psychoneurological Dispensary Nr. 14, in the period 1980–1985, and who had been diagnosed as schizophrenics (according to the ICD-9). Total number of patients was 178. In 79.7% of patients, the frequency of repeated episodes (exacerbations) of the disease was 5 or less during the follow-up period; in 16.3% it reached 6 to 10, and only in 4% cases was 11 or more. More than 1/3 of patients had either single hospitalization during their lifetime or none at all. Infrequent admissions (2 to 5 times) were registered in 44%, and only 9% had been admitted to hospital 11 times or more. Only 41.6% of patients had the ‘disability degree’, i.e. formally recognized as unemployable, because of a mental disorder. Of the initial 178 persons who had sought help in the dispensary in 1980–1985, 89 were still under observation in 2010 (50.0%). Among those off the observation list, 52 (29.2%) had recovery or stable improvement, including 28 cases (16.1%) of a single psychotic episode.
The results of this investigation point to a variety of possible outcomes: along with severe and disabling variants, a significant part of patients show a rather positive prognosis after the manifestation of disease, i.e. it could be a single episode or a few episodes without noticeable social consequences and with good functioning in the community.
That is, Russian researchers have also come to the conclusion that sustained recovery or even full recovery may have a significant number of patients, and even the numbers that are there, are similar to those given in “Surviving Schizophrenia” by E.Fuller Torrey. For all of us there is hope, and this article - another confirmation.
(PS. If it’s possible, I would have asked to dear moderators to move this topic to “Recovery” - maybe I’ve begun it, where it shouldn’t be)
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Well and the last, likely. (“Three - the complete number”))). Creativity.
In 2014, it passed “The third International Moscow Festival of creativity of people with features of mental health “Ariadna’s Thread”” (a festival of creativity of people with psychiatric diagnoses).
It is possible to look at part of works here.
Photos (pictures are clickable, increasing)
for example
Phase. (pseudonym) "The Look"
Phase. "And it’s all?.."
Painting (also best to click on the pictures):
for example
Elena Sidorova-Bechina. "Self-Portrait."
Elena Sidorova-Bechina. "Tchaikovsky’s portrait."