Is this schizophrenia?

Give it some time, I think meds can take up to 4 weeks to work.


2mg respiridone isnā€™t a high enough dose for schizophrenia

Thats what they give me, Im planning on exercising. Im overweight

That is individual. Not one case of schizophrenia is exactly like any other.


Iā€™ve got my fingers crossed for you, that they find the right drug combination to help you.

In the meantime, if at all possible, I would interact with your voices as little as possible. They seem to feed off of attention

Good on you for getting back into exercising. That always does us good

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it can even take up to 6 or 8 weeks for someā€¦

@NotInHere should give it some more time for sure.

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Will try to talk to them less, it just seems weird to me that the voices come from actual peopl, Ive seem them whisper to me.

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What does it feel like when the medicine takes effect?

@NotInHere that does sound very challenging. Hopefully the meds can help, hang in there

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