Is this a rational thought

Sort of yeah. But I’m getting better. It’s just if I become dictator and am in charge of assassinating people, then I would go to hell right?

I don’t think you’re going to Hell. If you are forced to be the dictator, you are not responsible for what happens under your authority. I doubt if any loving God would send you to Hell.

If you are dictator and are in charge you could usher in a democracy and guarantee all of your citizens human rights. Turn North Korea into a modern state like South Korea. Just because you’re the dictator of North Korea doesn’t mean you have to be evil, you could do more good than that nation has ever known.

Yeah but in my delusion, I’m responsible for assassinating people. They wrote this down before so everyone in my presence who sees the physical me as dictator (through plastic surgery) will know to authorize assassinations wherever I am or walk by.

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Take a good look at people who have had plastic surgery to try and look like someone else, they never look exactly like that person. We don’t have that level of medical artistry.

Since you are the dictator you can tell your underlings to stop assassinating people. You are the dictator, what you say goes. So can say good things and do good things. No one can stop you because you are the dictator.

But secretly dictators are controlled by the powers that be.

Not true, by definition the dictator IS the powers that be. No one is above the dictator.

Are you sure about that? Just wondering. For me I wonder if the dictator is just the puppet. Maybe I’m wrong?

Yes, I am 100% sure. The dictator is in charge, he is not a puppet.

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