Is there any power in forgiveness....?

It’s not possible to forgive someone when they are not sorry. In my case.

But I do try and let go of the situation if I can and seperate myself from them.

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What’s up, Italy? Are you alone? Do you think you might want to go to the ER? Have you been taking your meds as prescribed? You seem like you’re destabilizing.

Do you know why he tried to kill you?

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I think I have forgiven most of the people in my long life. But also forgiveness means to me a way of closing the past. I desperately need to change my current circumstances. I wish I knew what I must do or what is expected of me. This is another meaning of forgiveness.

I’ve forgiven and I’ve been forgiven. Only one person who was in my life I will never forgive.

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There is tremendous power in forgiveness. It frees you of the cancer of bitterness, resentment and hatred that can eat you up inside.


I have to say I haven’t forgaven certain people but I still move on with my life.

I’d like know how that came about too?


I’ve forgiven everyone I’ve needed to forgive. Some people don’t wanna make peace. Whatever. I still forgive them. And most importantly I forgive myself for mistakes I’ve made

Depends on The situation

My sister told me “you need to learn to forgive”. And that really woke me up. Let go of the hatred in me. Doing so has made me fairly at peace with my mind.

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I take my meds religiously. Were you being sarcastic in wanting me to go to the ER? I would never go unless I was in a murderous rage or something

I don’t play around when I’m discussing such matters of stability and safety. I’m dead serious. You can’t wait until you’re in a murderous rage to go to the ER. At that point, it’s too late. You’ve been saying some disturbing things as of late, things that suggest to me that you’re increasingly angry and emotionally unstable. It’s not normal to want to murder your siblings because of the stress of a dispute about something that’s not going to happen for years, God willing.

I’m schizophrenic too, and I know how it is to feel like you’re constantly being attacked, to feel angry and ready to defend yourself, but as big of a manipulative ass hole that your brother is being right now, you still need to chill out before someone gets hurt. If you don’t think you need the hospital, then don’t go, but you’ve got to figure out a way of dealing with situation that doesn’t involve murdering your brother.

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I feel a bit better since I forgave the people who bullied and abused me. Hate is useless and only hurts you.

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How does he sound manipulating to you @Sardonic ? I mean what did you take from it that sounded manipulating? I can’t remember what I said that sounded this way. Please answer me this is wrecking my head, I know he’s manipulating but I don’t know why. I’m screwed if this ever goes to court, I can’t even remember why I don’t like the man

Okay, save a pdf of this thread and email it to yourself. Do you know how to do that?

He keeps planting this idea in your head that you’re doing something wrong by helping your mom out. He wants you to stop so that he doesn’t have to put any effort into expressing love to your mother. It seems that he believes that you guys’ mom loves you more because you’re so generous towards her, not realizing that his poor attitude and general ass hole-ery is what’s causing the rift.

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