Is there any meds that help with libido?

How bout testosterone?

OP, youā€™d have to talk w a dr. testosterone patch or shots, lolā€¦but i doubt heā€™d prescribeā€¦cuz the boys downstairs eventually shrivel

I know someone who is 73 and is sexually actively every week but has to take viagra to get it on but canā€™t stand the thought of not being sexually active.


Both my parents always prioritised sex n I felt they prioritised it over me.

Your closest loved one can be someone you donā€™t have sex with even.

Itā€™s tragic that sex is prioritised over more important things in life.

Iā€™m so grateful I have such best lover in my boyfriend.

I know of a young man who may be around fifty or sixty who hasnā€™t been hard for over ten years because of medication.
He just lives with out sex with his wife.

Some people have a sick and destructive sexuality where they cause a lot of harm and they donā€™t care as long as they feel good like those on animals and children so innocent.ruining them.

Anyway good happy healthy loving sex wishes for us hey.
Make love not hate.

Iā€™ve had men rape me with hate and disrespect.awful feeling.

Thankful my boyfriend is a respectful lover.

I donā€™t think my parents respected me.
I stand as I am.

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This is exactly my thought.

Remembering how great it felt and wanting to feel good?

OP, eat really healthy, my libido has started coming back, a little, since i started doing that, and i;m 47 yrs old,

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I am on generic prolixin, fluphenazine, and I have wonderful sex.


Look in the archives. I had this exact problem.
I had a testosterone blood test done and I was on the low part of the scale so my dr suggested testosterone shots every two weeks.
Six weeks later I felt young again. Itā€™s not just libido but mental clarity and energy. Got to give the shots time to work but they do eventually. Other products which say they help with testosterone donā€™t. Please see a dr. And get a test done and then get on the shots. Good luck.

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My testosterone levels are probably low. I am not interested in increasing libido. Those other things sound nice. But being less fixated on sex (less drive) for me is a good thing. Just a waste of time.

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Yep I have a whole list of things that have changed since the testosterone shots started, things like seeing beauty in every day and being more friendly with people. Although itā€™s a sexual chemical it helps with far much more than just that. It brought my mojo backā€¦lol

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You think its possible to reverse negative symptoms?
It sure sounds like a miracle hormone.
I donā€™t think so thought, I had negative symptoms long before.

Afaik low testosterone can cause depression but not sz negative symptoms. I saw an endocrinologist before I got sz and when I started experiencing negative symptoms, my testosterone levels were normal and everything else. Though since being on 5mg Risperidone my testosterone went to under the normal range, Dr said to not worry unless I have sexual dysfunction which I donā€™t, its even a bit high.

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Did you lose fat and weight since being on testosterone shots? Did it make you more irritable?

I donā€™t know what your sex is, biologically speaking. I am cis female. I had horrible sexual dysfunction for a few years. I couldnā€™t feel pleasure at all.

But I started birth control pills a few months ago and that somehow kicked my sexual functioning into gear!! I can feel pleasure again and things work more normally now.

thank you everyone for your interactivity.

My case is a little more complicated. I lost all of my libido when I got schizophrenia.
I have no libido even without medication.
I made a blood test and my hormones looks fine.

I am going to see a sexologist tomorrow. then Iā€™ll go back to my psychiatrist to suggest the use of Abilify or another meds.

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@Aziz funnily I have lost weight, but Iā€™ve topped drinking cola and swapped it for water. However Iā€™m not sure if this is related or not. Iā€™ve gone from 94kg to 90kg and losing more daily. I was addicted to cola and redbulls. Itā€™s still too early to draw a relationship with testosterone. Having extra energy I didnā€™t need the caffeine or sugar.

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@Aziz as for irritability. I felt a little jealous of my wife now and then, but not so bad that I didnā€™t say anything. I have paranoia in general so I thought it was a case of that,

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Thanks @neanderthal

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I went to a new psychiatrist, she is also a sexologist, and she prescribed Abilify for me. and she is going to remove the other meds that I use.
This is a critical part of my life, I might go out of control again. but it worth the try. because I am sleeping 12 hours daily and have no sexual interest at all.

How long should I wait for Abilifyā€™s effect to show ?
I am going to see the doctor again in 15 days. I hope this enough time for the change.