I’m just curious. I saw someone with an autism awareness symbol and was wondering if we have one?
If not, what should it be? Should we have one?
I call out artists and creative minds to work to form one if they desire!
I’m just curious. I saw someone with an autism awareness symbol and was wondering if we have one?
If not, what should it be? Should we have one?
I call out artists and creative minds to work to form one if they desire!
A potato. We should have one.
A quick Google search shows wearing purple on May 24 promotes schizophrenia awareness.
That’s a cool idea. Maybe @sleepybug can help us out if she comes here, where are you honey? Is everything alright? How’s that puppy of yours?
Now, what will the potato symbolize?
Hmmm why purple?
Not sure, but the following shows it as being a Silver Ribbon. Yay for inaccurate info from the web!
I’m so confuzzeled Man, why can’t it just be like an animal or something.
a wolf then would be perfect, both are considered dangerous simply because of what they are, even though bears kill way more people than wolves and everyone thinks bears are ‘cute’…ever get close enough to smella bear? they ■■■■■■■ reek!!!
I don’t think it would be beneficial to the cause to choose a predatory animal as our mascot, even though wolves rarely kill humans.
Otters are sweet and cuddly
I like all your suggestions. I found this
Something about owl makes me like it. Probably the “sees things others cannot” part XD
My grandfather has more than a hundred owl figurines.
The deer is also a good choice
That is many a owl. Something about the owl that represents knowledge and what others cannot always understand. Makes me like it as a symbol. Maybe a silver owl?
I agree. And the deer hasn’t been used yet.
hmmm, wolves are very cool.
Amazon.com products seem to indicate that it is a gray ribbon
I think a semi colon tattoo means awareness of mental health or something.