Is the world God's the Devil's or humans?

Continuing the discussion from Something I think about a lot:

It plainly states in the bible in Genesis that God leaves the earth to humans–it’s humans’ domain. So it’s not the Devil’s. So it’s our responsibility that millions of children are dying. We are either God’s agents in the world, the Devil’s agents in the world, or some other god (Allah, Jesus, Zeus, Odin, etc), or even our own agents. If you don’t believe this, you probably believe in determinism where you can’t do jack ■■■■ about anything. The question is what are WE doing to save millions of children from dying? How do we love the people and things God has granted us domain over in the world?

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as far as i know there are 3 things that effect all the bad and evils of the world and they are - Satan and the Earth and the Flesh but i don’t know a lot about it as i only found out about it last week and i can’t remember the whole conversation, but it should be written somewhere i think, i called it the trinity of evil but that was just my thoughts on it.

If God is truly omnipotent he can easily prevent Satan or humanity from wreaking harm. If I see an eight year old boy beating up a four year old boy I am obligated morally to stop it. Why does God permit such horrible things to happen? If it was just like a headache or acid indigestion I would accept it. But what about things like the nazies seeing how many times they can break the leg of a Jewish child and reset it? Or someone getting third degree burns on eighty per cent of his body - and living? Things that are too horrible to contemplate. Stuff like that happens more than anyone cares to think. Why doesn’t God stop those?

i don’t know what you mean by that, why doesn’t God stop it? how would he do that?

If God was omnipotent he could do anything - with no effort.

I don’t understand myself nevermind life god the universe and everything. Perhaps something to ask your local priest as I’m sure he’d be much more qualified then me. Most churches also offer counselling and free at that btw.

i don’t think he is omnipotent, i don’t think he can do anything he wants,

How would you learn if your parents intervened all of the time? God allows you to grow into your own person. There are purposes for everything. The Holocaust made men and women do good things as well as bad. Survivors found what they wanted to find from the situation. Those surrounding the survivors learned lessons, our children and grandchildren learn lessons from this. It’s horrible but man created it andman destdestroyed it. (Personally, I also believe in karma and reincarnation in a different way from most… So maybe a victim didn’t deserve it this life, but, will receive in the next life etc.)

Don’t you think that the Nazies seeing how many times they could break and reset the leg of a Jewish child is an extreme method of teaching? There is no redeeming aspect to that. If God isn’t powerful enough to stop such things I don’t think we can rely on him. If he can but chooses not to, I have to doubt his goodness. What about the Jewish child? Does he benefit in any way by what happens to him? There are far better ways to learn compassion.

Believe me, I understand. That is the sole reason that I believe in reincarnation and karma.

Most Christian doctrines profess an omnipotent God, though there have been Christians who didn’t.

I personally believe in all religions with a positive message not just Christianity. The basis of most religion is good.

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if we could list what a God can and can’t do i think it would be easier but i don’t know that much about it really tbh i think i believe in the Omnipresence though

God has also shown that God prefers working through humans. The earth is ours. What will we do with it.