Is the world getting worse or better?

With all the factors of the present and past, Covid…politics…terrorism…war…advances in technology. Both good and bad would you say the world is getting worse or better overall?

Is the world getting worse or better
  • Worse
  • Better
  • About the same

0 voters

Overall I believe it’s getting worse. And i believe it’ll keep getting worse til it finally breaks


I said about the same. There is a vaccine for Covid19 now, and things are going to get back to normal. I’m 61 and remember the Cold War, which was a miracle when it ended. Also the Stagflation of the 1970’s along with Recession were bad. The world has gone through bad times before.


Human rights going forward, the EU,
Positive things


Better, less and less poor people and better treatment especially for mental illness. Back then they would isolate us from society or throw rocks at us to take out demons. Technology helps us too, what would disabled/mentally ill ppl who cant work do without TV and internet and being asocial/in bed all day?

The average lifespan increased versus the past too where it was 40y.o. due to poor conditions and lack of effective medical treatments. There will always be bad things like wars but overall its getting better.


I mean IDK, but if I had to say something, there is always a storm before the calm.


Rasism is big now in europe,
I dont have an opinion.


Things are pretty bad now at least here in the US
I honestly hope that life will improve.
But I fear that things will get far worse.

I also fear that Covid is here to stay and the vaccines will not protect us from the mutant viruses.

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I’m enjoying myself overall.

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It’s getting better for the world.

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We don’t really solve nor try to solve any of the really big issues like health, happiness or equality so we are ultimately doomed to repeat this mess. I would say because of this it’s about the same. Not much has changed since the industrial revolution and don’t see the information revolution doing much different.

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In a way it is definitely getting worse because the natural planet is being more and more destroyed in a non sustainable way. I hope that maybe this will reduce at some point because we rely on the planet.


Across the world income is up, hunger is down, education is up etc. etc.

I think people have a propensity to look at the world as getting worse. It’s simply not the case for the majority of people.


The world is better for rich, privileged people. Always has been.

Human nature is such that there is always a war going on somewhere in the world at any given time and that has always been true.

Some things don’t change except we have perfected better, more efficient weapons and ways to kill lots of people in our day and age.

Never in history has technology for killing lots of people been so advanced.

But forgetting violence and warfare, the world has seen many scientific advances that have made the world a better place. Conquering polio and smallpox and the plague has saved billions of people from dying.

IDK. Depending in where you are born in the world, the level of luxury and excess can give you an unbelievably good life. If you are born in the wrong geographical place daily life can be short and miserable. Millions and millions of people around the world still go hungry and millions and millions of people don’t have what most people in industrialized countries take for granted. Namely easy access to water, or basic access to good medical care. Or many people don’t have a basic education.

You don’t hear this phrase as often as you used to but the truth is that the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. There’s always been a disparity between the classes but never so evident as today. Sure technology has given some people unbelievably great lives (even though everybody has problems).


i think it’s getting worse. More things will go wrong.


I think it will get worse

The era of the US being the sole superpower in the world is waning - China, India and Russia all on the rise. The reputation of the US has been damaged abroad due to the actions of the Trump regime. Under BIden, the US will have to demonstrate that it is a competent sole superpower - it can do this by spearheading a global vaccination program, fighting corruption and re-entering into deals that Trump pulled out (climate deal etc…)


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