Is the study required to be a therapist easy

im just curious as I want to know if i’ll be capable of it


You need at least a master’s degree to be a counselor if I’m not mistaken. And you need a PhD to become a psychiatrist/psychologist so its a lot of school.

But you can do it man!!


I think you can do it, but it’s not easy. It’s probably very hard. You need to have the schooling, the hours, and pass the tests. Plus, you gotta deal with some real jerks.

You could be a lmft or a psychologist.

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I don’t think so…

Here in Brazil, you don’t need a degree to be a therapist. There are 2 years courses on how to become a psychotherapist. There are also online courses on how to become a psychoanalyst, but I wouldn’t consider them efficient (there are online courses for everything nowadays).

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