Is sz really that unusual with all the fantasy worlds average people engage with daily through video games, internet, film, and media? Maybe were all not quite as unusual as we think we are.
How hard is it to make a cure if it was similar to an epidemic?
I think we are all just as significant as normal people, it is a no brainer.
I think its much easier to find a cure for infections than sz given that viruses have much less genes than sz/human brains.
It’s a matter of insight. Neurotypicals don’t believe that the fantasy content they’re interacting with is real.
I dont know, people really get immersed in the various fantasy worlds. Not sure its sooo different. Some believe it all really exists somewhere.
That’s mental illness, but likely milder if it doesn’t impair ability to function.
I agree for us sz was debilitating, but it doesnt mean they dont have fantasy worlds or live in them.
The definition of sz as a detachment from reality only highlights one small part of the illness. I had a lot of symptoms over the years and only sometimes was I detached from reality.
Yeah, thats all true. I was mainly refferring to the fantastical elements.
The brain imagines things and reasons things wrong and makes stupid opinions and stuff and people who don’t have sz sometimes believe things they imagine or their intuition and stuff, but I just want to emphasize that sz isnt those things its a brain disease where those things become likely.
Maybe so, but there are many without sz who can go off the deep end even further than most of us.
Yep. I’ve been completely psychotic but I have never killed anyone. Some people are by all legal and medical definitions completely in reality when they slaughter someone.
If you ask me, the world has gone “crazy”
It’s just a matter of being able to function in society.
Most people are “nuts” but they are able to function in society.
I for one am not able to function without these powerful psychotropic medications.
The world is full of crazy people that believe all sorts of things.
We just take it a step too far as apparently we have a chemical imbalance in our brains that causes us to act out
There are limitations to what society finds acceptable in this place we find ourselves in
I think if you’re lucky to be able to have the meds control the worst of it, you’re back in check
Me personally I deny there is anything wrong with me, but I do understand that I have to take tranquillisers for the rest of my life as without them, my brain travels to places it shouldn’t
Suicidal they say? Well these people need to take a hard look at what they have built and see that we’re just despairing at the madness we can do nothing but observe
Sometime it feels like we are special because our brain detect unknown signals in the air that others should not detect thus sz
1% of the population has sz. So it’s not that unusual. There are many way rarer diseases.
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