It is sometimes a good social outlet for me
How do you find it?
It is sometimes a good social outlet for me
How do you find it?
It is for me. 151515
I love it here
So many brillant people
Yes. I like socializing on here
so many different personalities
from countries Ive never been too
Yeah. It’s pretty cool, and very interesting to talk to people around the world
we learn so much from others
its great
I browse everyday - but think i should cut down on my moaning about my personal situation. Its usually only to vent lol.
we are allowed vent
don’t we all
its 30c here roasting
Yeah ive been in my birthday suit all day after a cold bath with 2 fans on. its 32c in the flat with all the windows open lol. Im sure the aussies here would laugh, but im british and cant handle it haha
its like spanish weather
they say its climate change idk
Yeah, I have some Facebook friends I speak with occasionally but I don’t have any friends in real life. After school I lost contact with everyone, most people moved away and started families. I spend a lot of time on this website.
I can relate to many on this site
I feel at home here
I like it here much more than all the other forums I was or I am on.
I enjoy here most of the time
Yes it is somewhat for me
I don’t have many people to talk to, and it’s better than talking to my voices, so yes.
I originally searched for sz forum because i was looking for a way to regularly compose thoughts as i was having trouble thinking. It worked for me in that respect, but in terms of a social outlet I dont feel its a very social experience, not that I’m looking for one.
I socialise more here since this forum software has been used. However there’s only so much mileage ,social wise, you can get out of a lifestyle that is very repetitive. Some people have the knack of being very popular, and getting lots of replies. I’ve known people like that on many forums in 25 years of being online.
I’m not one of those people. I’m more likely to be respected, to a certain degree, than really liked.
Uh, are we on the same forums?