Is someone LGBT here?

My sexuality is fluid, but somewhere between ‘B’ and ‘G’

I am not that involved with groups of people who would mean I could describe as my identity.

I have a complicated relationship with the world.

I am 33 and still not come out to my parents. I see little point of saying anything until if I finally found a partner.

For me it shouldn’t be something to tell people unless it becomes relevant someday

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I never came our as bi to anyone in my famipy, except for my oldest daughter. I tried to my mom once, by saying I met a nice girl. She just said that it was nice I was making friends.


I have thought I was bisexual most of my life. I am married to a man and in my 30s. I am pretty sure I am a lesbian but havent found the courage to come out to people close to me.

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I don’t know if I count but I mighr be asexual


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