Is she exempt

My aunt feels as because she’s allergic to certain chemicals , she can’t have the vaccine. She wants a letter from the GP to say she’s exempt for when she goes to her sons wedding.

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Well, I guess it depends on if her doctor actually writes an exemption. :confused: I know that some people can’t get the vaccine, but I don’t know what all those reasons are for not being able to get it.

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Right! I know a healthy young man in the Navy whose first shot made him terribly ill, and he doesn’t want the second shot.


She hasn’t even had the first shot to know. She’s makes me annoyed.

Sometimes doctors recommend against the vaccine, because of their patient’s health condition, lowered immune system, or other reasons. I’m not a doctor, so I don’t know all of the reasons. But some people really can’t get vaccinated.


One might ask, “Where does she get her inspiration?” There is a great effort in the world to spread disinformation, that is.


I understand this. But her reason is she’s allergic to Prozac and hair products. The doctor wants her vaccinated.

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Most of the folks I know who reply to the question, “Do you have any allergies?” by saying, “Thorazine,” simply want to assert their desire to never ever have that stuff again.

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Oh, I see. Maybe she is believing conspiracy theories, which make her against the vaccine?? My sister is anti-vax, but has no REAL reason to not get vaccinated.

I’m sorry your aunt is being difficult. :confused:

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I don’t understand because she’s allergic to Prozac but takes all her other meds but used this excuse to say she shouldn’t get vaccinated cos meds give her side effects.

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