The nurses here say so…
How’s it a delusion if you are objectively not eating well?
i mean they think im not eating because of a delusion
What’s the delusion they say its caused by?
They think my fear of choking and dying is a delusion
Listen to them.
can’t im too scared
Scared of it being a delusion? Wouldn’t that be the best case scenario?
no i mean scared of eating
You cant listen to them saying it’s a delusion because you’re too scared to eat? That doesn’t make sense
ye because they clearly think its not real
Again listen to them
Why should I listen to them?
What usually tips me off that my thinking isn’t right is when a group of people are telling me it’s a delusion.
I see but how is it a delusion when I feel like I choke on food
I would ask your Dr that and listen to them. There’s no way for me to tell you over the internet
Ok I will listen to them
Good. You may be delusional so listen to the dr. If the dr says you are, then you are.
they threaten me with injections here
You need them because you won’t take your meds. Please don’t turn this into anther circumlocutory thread