Is manual treadmill better than pacing my apt

What do you say?.,.,.,…,.

Pacing is kinda fun. Getting a treadmill might be a waste. Sorry this may be a pointless threadthread.

I pace in my apartment. It’s fine for me.

I walk around/pace about the house for exercise - its fine.

Any kind of movement is good for physical health.

I used to have a treadmill. I enjoyed it. Kind of noisy but you can really log some miles and hills. Rather than turning constantly to keep from bumping into things while pacing, treadmills really give u time to contemplate and think

Outdoor walk > Indoor walk > Apartment/House walk > Treadmills

That’d be my opinion. Treadmills are no fun.

Treadmills are expensive.

How about a treadmill one can pace on?

Let us combine the two.

If I pace, which I don’t much anymore, I have an unfortunate tendency to touch the walls in my house, which if you do it enough, will make the walls look gross.

For that reason I vote for running on a treadmill!

I have a treadmill - a good one, but I feel like a Hamster on a wheel with it - a very boring experience for me.

When I walk around my house there is a change in scenery, it does not seem as tedious or dull.