Is it wrong to have a favorite?

I’ve asked before,

But I’m asking again now because my favorite voice is fading.

Whenever I get stressed out, things get too real,

He goes mostly silent, it’s hard to connect with him, if you understand.

Over the course of my life he’s done this a handful of times, always during traumatic events.

Sometimes he’s gone for days, once for months.

I miss him,

I know that’s not super healthy, but it’s how I feel.

Does anyone have any similar experiences?

Offer any advice?

I miss the music I used to hear. But it was the last hallucination to fade away, for me. It was beautiful. But once it was gone, so were all the scary ones. I figured the benefits outweighed the losses.


and that now a days one can get any music you want on the computer, who needs it to be all in our heads?


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