Is it weird

To sleep from 9pm to 3am?

What is your sleep schedule

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No. It’s what works for you but I’ve found for me that regularity with sleep and more importantly when I take my pills to be beneficial. I sleep from 7pm to about 5am…usually 8 hours around that window. I take morning pills at 5am. Afternoon pills at 6pm. Pretty much that same everyday and I reckon it really helps.

Do what works for you is the key.

So I am not to worry?

I am going to try and do something other than smoking this morning. I am going to play Sim City I think.

I am taking Zopiclone at the moment, and that gets me 5-6 hours.

I guess I could adjust my routine to this.

I usually go to bed around 7-9 ish. Get up around 4-6 ish. But I only get like 3-5 hours of sleep in that time. It takes me about an hour or two to fall asleep and then I wake up a thousand times a night. I think 9-3 is totally fine as long as it’s working for you.


It has just been weird for me as I used to sleep 9pm to 6am but with my anxiety it has been far less and medication induced.

I will try not to worry

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If lack of sleep is causing your anxiety to be worse, then it’s not working for you and you should discuss it with your pdoc.

I won’t have a pdoc until mid march

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That sucks. Well, hopefully you make it until then. Can you take naps? Do you work?

I will try to get some naps.

I do work but I am off with stress at the moment.

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I sleep from 9pm to 2 or 3 a lot of nights. Idk why. I’m not manic, I just don’t seem to need more sleep usually. Sometimes I take a nap, but not often. 5 or 6 hours seems to be enough for me. I don’t know if it’s my meds or what. When I’m majorly depressed I sleep like 14 or more hours.

If you seem to be functional at that amount of sleep then good for you! I typically get around six hours of sleep during the work days as well but I sleep midnight to 6am. But on my non work days I sleep late and don’t get out of bed till around noon

Here is my sleep from last night.

I just got diagnosed with strep throat yesterday so things are a little off…

No idea how you sleep less than 6 hours, I would be stressed out if I had to do that.

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