Is it too much to be on 3 meds?

I mean one ap, one antidepressant and my Depakote?

I’m on four mood stabilizers/antidepressants, one that’s half mood and half sz, and one that’s sz. Oh, and an antiOCD one too. I have an army of pills. You’re doing pretty good. :slight_smile:

You’re probably fine, I’m on 4 meds currently. Now once you get into super long term, like decade+ I’m sure there are bad side effects and interactions.

no,i am not good onceapoet sorry… 3 strong meds is not ok. I cant even go out. I still don’t have an ad… can it calm my rage an antidepressant?i think ill try it…
yes anna, I think you are right… such a pitty thing, its my fault to be in such a bad shape. I was ill before my diagnosis but I wanted the despair in a way I guess

What I meant was don’t worry if you start a new one. I think a lot of us on here are on more than three. I’m sorry if it sounded that way. :disappointed:

ok thanks ill see. maybe one antidepressant will kill my emotions. i have negatives ones mostly, that’s the problem :frowning:

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I’ve change meds like some people change socks. I’m in a pretty good place right now but it’s taken a long time to get here and I might not be able to stay.

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for the ap i am sure about it cause ive tried them all. i am at my best with less side effects on zyprexa. i need my Depakote too. the problem is with an eventual antidepressant. do i need it? but now, after 2 months on zyprexa i am not so delusional but i am really unhappy :/…

Try a combo of drugs. My ap’s all have mood stabilizing elements too. There’s a new one called Rexuli (or something like that. I don’t have the bottle in hand right now). Or you could try a little bit of one and a little bit of another.

i live in Europe once… we don’t have this ap… plus, i ve tried so many aps that i am afraid for my brain. i have tried 8 or 9 its a lot,you see… so that s why i don’t want to change my zyprexa…

I’m on three (3): Two (2) AP’s: Clozapine (600mg nocte), Amisulpride (600mg mane/600mg nocte); and one anti-convulsant: Clonazepam (prn, up to 4 x 0.5mg tabs per day).

I have to say - Clozapine is the reason I’m alive and well today. I still get visual, auditory and tactile hallucinations but life is more bareable.

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depakote??? do you realize what a weight-gainer that is? plus, an antidepressant and a mood stabilizer? do you realize antidepressants can trigger mania in people with mood disorders. i know depakote’s an anti-mania drug, but do you have OCD? get a new f—ing doctor.

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I’m on one AP, one anti-depressant, three heart meds, one arthritis med, and have a second AP I can use in ‘emergency’ situations when my SZ symptoms are getting out of control. I also take the supplement sarcosine on top of all that.

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Im on all kinds of different pills - some for my blood pressure, blood sugar control, high triglycerides, cholesterol, an AP, and a benzo, and soon Ill be on Depakote as well

I’m on ten drugs and using 3 supplements and I’m doing fine.

i am on 8 drugs

Im on 4 different tabs…if it works go for it

depakote Is a mood stabilizer alreadu chestrockwell… I ll try an antidepressant, I am too sad I find…

I agree with @ChestRockwell, a good doctor is crucial. I had a bad one and I lost I don’t know how many years of my life to depression and maybe a little sz too but I was too out of it to be sure.

ok, since 2 days ive started Zoloft. for the moment its really fine :slight_smile: I feel less guilt, I am much calmer (less anger) and I am less anxious… three meds is not nothing but I am ill so I needed it. probably I was more depressed than I imagined :(… ive changed too many docs in the past, its a kind of mistake also… I even went out today which wasn’t the case since a month wow :slight_smile:
maybe there is hope out there. me personally I really need my meds. I just hope that the Zoloft wont make me manic lol :slight_smile:

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