Is it possible?

Is it possible to just learn to doubt your crazy beliefs so well that you don’t have psychosis? I don’t think I understand psychosis. It has to do with not being your true Self, perception, conceptual thinking, emotional maturity, and other things. Years ago I felt the worst pain possible, mourning the death of a loved one. I hadn’t lost anyone in my life so I wondered what was going on and a voice said " you lost yourself". I made it through the mourning period by gaining a love of classical music. But what does all that mean? How can I die and yet still live?

I think what you’re referring to here is called maintaining “insight” into your condition. You’re aware that you are ill and that the odd thoughts you have are because of an illness, not reality. When you lose your insight you can no longer separate false beliefs and perceptions generated by your brain from real ones.

In my own case I have learned to minimize how my positive symptoms affect me. This has strengthened my insight and lowered my stress levels. As my stress levels are lower my positive symptoms are also lower. This lets me function on a lower dose of APs. I can’t go completely without them, but I don’t need much to keep an even keel these days.


Being on this sz forum helps me maintain my insight. Also visiting the family forum from time to time. I think it would be hard to slip back into delusion now that I can clearly see the evidence of the illness all around me, especially now that my brother has it.


Hearing sounds louder than others is not a belief, that’s one symptom I know of that’s not mistaken belief.

How come my illness has the psychological skills and insight into me to heal me?

I think, rather than prevent, try and reverse afterwards.

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