Is it possible to live normally without meds?

I don’t want to be. The last psychiatrist I had thought I might be, and put me down as schizoid.

Once I have a dx I know it’s game over, and I’ll no longer be in control of my own recovery. I’ll be put in a ward, medicated, and then have negatives to learn how to cope with. I’d rather not experience another upheaval so soon, at least.

If my experiences get worse again, and especially if I start feeling out of my own control, I’ll have to reconsider.

Not everyone gets negatives. Ive only struggled with them in the last few years.

And you wouldn’t need to be on a ward for sure. I’ve never been on one.


Since aps block dopamine, I think negatives are a high possibility.

I dunno where you are, but here in the states, they love to hospitalize people against their will. At least, that’s been my experience.


Thats a shame. In the UK they only do it when you are a threat to others or yourself.

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I think that’s always the official reason here, even in cases where it doesn’t apply.

Well make sure you’re not just being paranoid. Dunno if any other americans can chime in? @anon4362788 ?

I dont know how you can be defiant about meds. Obviously if you can cope you can cope but I would struggle.

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It is a struggle, but less now than it was. In the beginning I was too wrapped up in it. Couldn’t do much else. But I found keeping myself busy was key. I’m also defiant af in general, and can stand up to anyone. People don’t tend to impress me, even if they can hear my thoughts.

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I was never hospitalized against my will and I’ve had post partum psychosis. They determined I would be more stressed if hospitalized during that time because of being separated from my baby.

But, I can’t speak for all areas. I can’t say someone is being paranoid when I don’t know how the authorities and therapists and pdocs work somewhere else.

I do know of people being sectioned pretty easily, so it’s likely to happen in some places on the regular.


Not for me. I’ve tried it in past but it didn’t work out. I did go med free from 2007-2012 but after that I needed meds and if I didn’t take them I’d get severe depression and also psychosis symptoms


I don’t think it would be possible for me.
I’m dependent on the meds.

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I really don’t believe so at this point in my life. For years I was living a normal life and then once a year for like 5 years I would have a manic episode and not know it and have crazy stuff happen that interrupted my normal life. I honestly thought it was a spiritual thing happening to me.

When I am off meds, I am either extremely happy, i.e. dancing down the street, singing, giving away all my money or crying constantly. There is also another personality that comes out of me that talks to me and tells me what I should be doing. I mean it speaks through my voice as if a different person. After being hospitalized for months at a time I’ve finally come to the conclusion that I really am sick and need medicine my entire life.


Wow, that’ very interested that you’re able to deal with all that. My voices get in my way because they are really intelligent and try to reason with me on everything. It’s like they are trying to make me one way when I want to be another. Being off meds also makes me hyper religious and I think everyone else is a demon except me. I’m able to “act” normal, but am extremely scared when doing so. I dunno. It all just got out of control and sometimes I would black out and not even remember what happened.


Mine are intelligent too. For me, psychosis is very sophisticated. The way it intwines with reality is perfect in its deviousness, but it’s not without flaws. I try to focus on when my voices were wrong (which is often enough), when I see myself starting to listen to them. Makes it easier to not give them credit for anything else.

That’s a good thing you got going then. I basically just try to ignore them. I mean I’m on meds but I can hear them quietly if I listen. I always now just say they are wrong so I don’t start talking to them again. Reasoning with them is a never ending road.

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It is, but at least you can still reason with yourself.

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